I am a Woman and so What....
So I am in this church and the pastor starts preaching and he calls out women for prayers for them to find their husbands....(rme),and as if that was not enough he calls on women again to come out for fruit of the womb ,he even called them barren women..(As the Fertility God that he is now...)
Now I am upset as I sit down here watching these women run to the altar like Chioma Ajunwa ,while the men are seated watching the scene unfold(as the Don Jazzy that they are na...no offence to Don Jazzy). Some other girls that I figured were single or some without a child felt uncomfortable coming out, e vex me more. Please don't ask if I went out, the answer is pretty obvious...No, I didn't (straight face)
Now I want to find out, why are women always the point of prayer for people looking for life partners or the fruit of the womb. Must issues of infertility always be her fault? Why can't they call out single men in church to pray for them? Are the men allergic to praying for the 'fruit of the womb' or life partners for themselves?
Now Bam Bam of big brother had the incident with Teddy A and the internet roasted her,same as Nina. They were called some pretty heavy names ,but they hailed Teddy A and Miracle calling them correct men. Please were they involved in these incidents alone? Why do women always bear the burnt of the shame in this part of the world?
Women are trained to be more domesticated than men, now don't get me wrong, I understand we are the more nurturing of the two sexes, but would it kill some men to understand that we aren't slaves?
Too many seminars on women, so who raises the men? We may all be guilty of this because subconsciously we enable this in our homes. If as a female you condone your brother keeping many girlfriends yet you cry when another man does the same to you. Aunty! Look yourself in the mirror, you are part of the problem. The next time you permit your son or nephew to not take a part in the house chores in the name that his being a man, biko, have a rethink.
No be today e start o!,especially in Nigeria, we put so much pressure on the girls and give our boys pass, look around, it is killing them. Spiritually it is our problem too, they expect us to be prayer warriors for sons and husbands. Women are breaking their backs trying to hold marriages going from church to church. No offence, but the next time time I read a story of a lamenting wife and someone says she should watch War Room and pray, I just may flip..
In arguments that become physically confrontational between both sexes, the woman is more often than not blamed for having a sharp tongue and not giving the man the respect he deserves. Cheating nko? She will be told to tolerate it to save the marriage, or that she is lucky he hasn’t brought a second woman home, it is in their nature to cheat, she should slim down, dress better, cook better, start praying and fasting, be pleasant and show him love. Tables turn and when a woman cheats she is called names, and castigated. She will be sent packing from the home they built together. Why doesn't anyone advice them to dress more sexy, put in prayers, persevere, forgive, after all, women are moved by what they hear and see, maybe the man they cheated with has Barry White's voice onto of Morris Chestnut's chest, how could she have fought that temptation?...
Please please and please, her belly is because she had your child, yours is thanks to Isi Ewu and beer...(rolling my eyes again)
He is 28 and is focused, career oriented successful at a young age but for a woman at same age,marriage is seen as the ultimate for her. Success in career or business is more often than not attributed to her ability to "share the cookie" and achievement is seen as a hindrance to her finding Mr. Right. He dies and she remarries, she is termed irresponsible but She dies, he is expected to remarry ASAP. Widows even get an Association while i have never seen Widowers Association. I wish all these could change, women are strong, reliable and capable of achieving a lot more than we give them the credit for.
Societal pressures on the female gender needs to end(and i wish my brother will stop calling me on the phone to be asking me about when I will marry, I will one day vex and say I don't want to marry oh, am warning you now...yes I can warn you here it is my page duh....lol).
P.S- Dear Future Husband, last week friday I hope were are in church for vigil casting and binding, photocopying and laminating for the Holy Ghost to reveal me to you or the other way around, and not one club turning up. That's how not how a future husband material behaves.
God bless all women
I am a Woman and so What....
Reviewed by anurikanwoke.blogspot

Aneereeka, if I may intercede for men in this case, the culture has been that a homekeeper as women always been learn the skills from early age while the man who is the breadwinner naturally is left to his own device but to work towards his bread winning goals. In as much as I agree with you about the fact that inability reproduce is both sexes headache ( rolling my eyes to see if my fellow guys are frowning) but don't drag the men into the business of chorea! Let men be men, ladies be ladies! In terms of societal demands, every single person must wise up to avoid falling into the dangers of stereotyping xxx
ReplyDeleteWhat if the women are not there to do the chores? LOL