Hiking in Abuja

So I joined a hiking club here in Abuja,the name of the club is Abuja Harsh Harries. We all gather at Durban Park Wuse II and the president Mr Stanley who we call the "Grand Master  All Night Stan" will address everyone and reveal the destination of the hiking for that day which is always hidden till the hiking day. 

Prior to the hiking, some group of persons known as "Hares" will go the the hill to be hiked and lay two trails, the right trail and the wrong trail, the essence is to delay you a bit from getting to the price waiting for you in the top of the mountain, the Beer Truck!

Now the climax of the hiking is the Beer Truck. It contains chilled beers, soft drink and water. Before you get to the beer truck you would have gone through wrong trails if you are unfortunate, and  then you trace your way back to the right trail. The hiking process takes up to 2 hours before you find the beer truck.After we have all gathered at the beer truck, the president addresses us and we close. 

An interesting part of the hiking club is the name being given to the its members(if I begin to type eh, its some xrated sturvs o!) If it was your first time of coming, you are called a virgin. And you will be asked 'who made you Come?' (You see you? Your mind is dirty, tufia!) When you answer, they will ask you if you enjoyed coming and all sorts of naughty insinuations. 

Another naughty insinuations they make while we are climbing, I was not aware of this and innocently screamed that i love the hiking activities cos it is hard, so i love hard things (ah mogbe o! lol) and everyone kept teasing me for loving hard things till i blushed with shame as i understood afterwards what it meant. (I shame no be small!)

The hiking is done every two weeks, on Saturdays from 2 pm - 7 pm. It is safe to hike with them as they put precautionary measure to ensure everyone is on the right trail and no one is left behind, also we have the International Committee of the Red Cross as members for people that might sustain injuries or faint along the 
Here are some beautiful pictures I took on my last hiking trip, I would encourage you to hike if you can too....

I love to hike because I get to take beautiful pictures! It is a way of escaping and easing off from the stress of work.
Hiking in Abuja Hiking in Abuja Reviewed by anurikanwoke.blogspot on 10:14 Rating: 5



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