Nosey Neighbour
So lemme say this,
Mind your Business
Mind your Business
Did the people at the back hear me? Do I need to shout?
People of God, it will pay if before you do anything or say anything today, you ask yourself this; "Is it my business?", when doubtful kindly adhere to the guidelines stated above. I'm angry o! , cos as you are seeing me here I'm just playing this woman's homicide in my head, and evaluating my chances of getting away with it, but the idiot is not worth the jail time. ...
If you are a nosey person, please use this public holiday to change biko, you are a nuisance to society!
So I use my washing machine to wash everything....My clothes, baby's clothes, Hubby's, underwear, I can't kill myself biko. My neighbor saw me using it to wash Hubby's underwear and went " Ahaha, madam, you don't use machine to wash your husband's underwear now, that's wrong, you should soak them and hand wash them yourself" Ese gaan! Madam Adviser, Patron saint of other people's consciences.
Can you kindly advise your husband to stop sleeping with all the house girls in the estate while you are at it?
Now Same woman different day; Sees me having second helpings; "Ahah Oge, you are still eating,don't you think its too much? " Ah, this thing you are wearing, does it bwfit a married woman?"
First things first, you are not feeding me, you do not make money for me, how I eat, and what I wear are not your business!. My husband is not complaining. You are not personality police.Take your opinion and give it to your randy husband!
Biko, don't put your mouth in what doesn't concern you, sometimes eh, that your friendly advise is just you being a nosey friend or neighbour. Not everyone wants or values your opinion. Most times nosey people are annoyingly self righteous and hypocrites. Nobody likes a know-it-all....
See, move on, mind your business. You won't die.
Bye bye.
Nosey Neighbour
Reviewed by anurikanwoke.blogspot

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