Expectations and Entitlement Spirit go kill you!
Expectation is toxic!', 'Entitlement is toxic!'.....
These were the words of my Beautiful Big Sis T on her status and I could not agree more.
On my way to work this morning, I really had a lot of things in my mind that got me up all night thinking and i became emotionally worn out (I even woke up looking frowny and no strength to do my makeup as you can see from the image below...I know I be fine girl sha las las). But it now makes sense to me; I had gone through this route before and it feels so familiar! What was that? EXPECTATIONS AND ENTITLEMENT!
I am one person that has felt so entitled to people and had so much expectations of them that I always ended up being disappointed, heart broken or hurt in ways I could not even imagine.
I debated on this for years but sadly the truth hit me today.....Expectations and Entitlement are toxic mehn! That shii hurts!!
The honest truth is this; people cannot love you or respect you the way you want them to. Even if you offer them all the amount of love, respect or shower them with gifts or attention. Expecting them to return the same to you? OYO is your name. If it happens, fine, if it does not happen....be fine. Love them regardless but just from a distance. Surround yourself with people that genuinely love you and return the same type of energy even though you have no expectations and entitlement from them. Just Kill every form of that expectation and entitlement darling.
I have stopped expecting and feeling entitled, that way my heart is safe and I will not be disappointed when they go south.
I have learnt that God has a way of revealing things to us, trust him and enjoy the process and journey. Do not kill it with your expectations from human beings especially from Family and friends.
Heard of the killings in South Africa? No? Okay let me take a sip of coke and come back with a post on that.
These were the words of my Beautiful Big Sis T on her status and I could not agree more.
On my way to work this morning, I really had a lot of things in my mind that got me up all night thinking and i became emotionally worn out (I even woke up looking frowny and no strength to do my makeup as you can see from the image below...I know I be fine girl sha las las). But it now makes sense to me; I had gone through this route before and it feels so familiar! What was that? EXPECTATIONS AND ENTITLEMENT!
I am one person that has felt so entitled to people and had so much expectations of them that I always ended up being disappointed, heart broken or hurt in ways I could not even imagine.
I debated on this for years but sadly the truth hit me today.....Expectations and Entitlement are toxic mehn! That shii hurts!!
The honest truth is this; people cannot love you or respect you the way you want them to. Even if you offer them all the amount of love, respect or shower them with gifts or attention. Expecting them to return the same to you? OYO is your name. If it happens, fine, if it does not happen....be fine. Love them regardless but just from a distance. Surround yourself with people that genuinely love you and return the same type of energy even though you have no expectations and entitlement from them. Just Kill every form of that expectation and entitlement darling.
I have stopped expecting and feeling entitled, that way my heart is safe and I will not be disappointed when they go south.
I have learnt that God has a way of revealing things to us, trust him and enjoy the process and journey. Do not kill it with your expectations from human beings especially from Family and friends.
Heard of the killings in South Africa? No? Okay let me take a sip of coke and come back with a post on that.
Expectations and Entitlement Spirit go kill you!
Reviewed by anurikanwoke.blogspot

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