Are you good to go? POP
So I heard today is POP for Corp Members! Now I feel a little bit nostalgic. Flashed back to my good old days, during my NYSC and POP day. It was such an experience for me. Both stressful and exciting. Stress of CDS, PPAs, Monthly clearance and the CDS special programs had me wishing POP could just do and come let me drop this khaki.
While some feel NYSC it is a waste of 1 year, I think otherwise. For me, my NYSC was an exposure (coming from a family of 9 where i am the last born and they will not allow me breath! Lol) to a little bit of what the real world looks like and it had me prepared for it. Most importantly it was a time I had one of the best moments of my life so far. I had a me tome, away from home, family, friends and into a new and strange State. An opportunity to explore (responsibly) and sometimes throw caution to the wind and just go for it. I explored. I made sure I served in a new environment far from home so I could really take my time to explore, experience and make new friends without someone breathing down my neck asking me questions like 'Where are you'' When are you coming back home'', Where are you going to'', Who is he'', Who is She'', What kind of clothe is that'' ''come home by 6pm'' etc, they know themselves *rolling eyes* lol
I met amazing friends I call family now. I learnt a whole lot from the new environment. Every day was packed with new and exciting experience.
Boy oh boy, did I have my fun, space, exploring and experience? YES! From camp sef and I was the platoon leader! (I was a bully) lmao Did I enter into trouble a number of times and find my way out? YES! 1 year of enjoying my life! At some point I think I wanted some extension! There was a lot of dramaaaa! (I love drama lol) boy drama, girl drama, a lot of happy moments, tears, heart breaks, betrayals, gossipssssssss yehhhh, outings and loads of happy moments. I experienced the good and the bad and at the end it was a soft landing! I made amazing friends: Shonteil, Ada, Vivian, Deola, TY, Iyah Ibadan, Queen, Nancy,Jake, Chuks, Papa Sam, Ojei, Obichi. I loved eating leaf rice from Mama Eboh!! along airport road Benin. I was fascinated by Benin and the people. Ah my Benin experience was lit
(story for another day) ......
Now am back to reality! Life has been so good so far but less drama and more work!
So to all my friends passing out today, CONGRATULATIONS! Etieno, Ferjiro and Mercy, congrats my darlings. Welcome to the real world but I am sure you all will be just fine.
Good luck in your future endeavors! Where is the party!! *wink*
Are you good to go? POP
Reviewed by anurikanwoke.blogspot

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