International Women's Day.
She is a Mother, She is a Daughter, She is a wife, She is a sister, she is a WOMAN!
Today is a day when women all over the world,are recognized for their achievements without regard to divisions, whether national, ethnic, linguistic, cultural, economic or political and hopefully inspire others.
As Women, when we find ourselves in the ''battlefield'' of politics, business, career, whatever it is we are involved in, we must rise above, fight fair, fight clean, ensure we go home with a clean conscience, but fight we must.
Happy International Women's Day
As a woman, what have you achieved so far outside your marrying and making babies?
Oh! i have a question,can you say marriage and making babies is an achievement for a woman? Or is it an African thing? Watch out for my next two posts!
My next post will be about HOUSEWIVES! It is going to be blunt and raw yoh.
International Women's Day.
Reviewed by anurikanwoke.blogspot

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