My Style Crush for the Week

Hello lovelies,

So this week I decided to introduce the Style crush for the week segment, and I will be starting this column with my amiable friend.

Where do I begin with this beauty?

Is it her ability to balance colors and style cuts to fit her personality? Her ability to look trendy yet age appropriate and classy? or her ability to style her natural hair into different classy and neat styles? Shontelle could wear a sack bag and make it look good mehn!, I kid ye not!

She uses dark colors to compliment her light skin and pulls off the perfect makeup to grace each occasion. Even when she isn't on makeup, her skin glam and flawless finish make your eyes pop out of there sockets, even I have a thing or two to pick from her.

And so I present to you ladies and gentlemen.......drum rolls

Shontelle Chinyere!!!

My Style Crush for the Week  My Style Crush for  the Week Reviewed by anurikanwoke.blogspot on 05:20 Rating: 5

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